ai enhanced businesses are more productive, more COMPETITIVE & more profitable

AI Is No Longer Nice To Have, But A "Must Have"

  • ​​Learn the essential AI skills you need to future proof your business
  • Automate your business as much as possible to save time and money, while boosting productivity and efficiency
  • ​Bring outsourced jobs in-house
  • ​Build your own custom GPTs
  • ​​Develop offers, marketing strategies and create content 10x faster with AI
  • ​Add AI assets & tools to your offers to make them 10x more valuable
  • ​Learn about what is possible to achieve with absolutely no tech or coding skills

Results You Can Expect When You Join

AI enhanced business & offers, giving you an insane competitive edge!

Mastering content at scale with AI to skyrocket your credibility & positioning!

Building tools and automations to save thousands of dollars & hundreds of hours!

Boosting productivity and efficiency

ai has leveled the field, SO LEARNING THE SKILLS AND BUILDING YOUR AI ASSETS now will pay off well into the future

The new AI driven world is changing rapidly, but if you're here, you want to take advantage of what will change the world and how we do business forever, and ride the wave ahead of all those who are still debating what the future holds.

Using AI will become something you must have, not something that is nice to have in your business. The tools and automations that are available right now can be the difference between having a profitable business and one that just gets by.

By implementing AI you can compete successfully with the giants in your industry and 10x your business growth.

ai is making it possible to win as a solopreneur or a micro-business

Solopreneurs and micro-businesses running AI enhanced businesses successfully are on the rise and this is opening up a path to a vast wealth for those who succeed.

At the same time AI has created a brand new blue ocean in selling AI solutions with hardly any competition and those who get in the game early on will win the race.

Here are just 3 typical use cases for AI:

1. Content Creation At Scale
In today’s digital world, businesses must pump out content consistently to keep up with the market. And Generative AI is a great partner in creating that content. With just a click of button you can have hundreds of pieces of content either created or repurposed form your existing content.

2. AI Automations
Many people don't realize the true potential of AI, only scratching the surface with tools like ChatGPT. However, automating repetitive tasks and creating multi-step workflows makes AI a valuable asset and companion within your business. The only problems is that many find the learning curve daunting.

3. Data Analysis
AI can arm a business with actionable insights that allow them to make better decisions, optimize their marketing and operations, and ultimately drive business growth.

There are many use cases but these three show you at a glance the power AI can bring to a business.

AI is the unfair advantage that currently only less than 10% of businesses are utilizing

Are you one of them?

I'm Monika and I have a real passion for AI and how the future is shaping.

We are on the brink of a brand new technological revolution and our world will change forever.

New tools are coming on the market on a daily basis, every big tech company is pouring billions of dollars into research and the race in incredible.

So, I've made it my business to learn from people way smarter than me.

And I've developed a super power of taking complicated concepts and distilling them down into simple language and step-by-step trainings

What we have right now is an opportunity bigger than the dot com one and we are all in a perfect position to take full advantage of it.

Don't let it pass you by... Don't miss the opportunity of a lifetime!!!
I'm Monika and I have a real passion for AI and how the future is shaping.

We are on the brink of a brand new technological revolution and our world will change forever.

New tools are coming on the market on a daily basis, every big tech company is pouring billions of dollars into research and the race in incredible.

So, I've made it my business to learn from people way smarter than me.

And I've developed a super power of taking complicated concepts and distilling them down into simple language and step-by-step trainings

What we have right now is an opportunity bigger than the dot com one and we are all in a perfect position to take full advantage of it.

Don't let it pass you by... Don't miss the opportunity of a lifetime!!!

More Than 90% Are Unprepared For The World Of AI. Don't Be One Of Them... 


This membership will get you light years ahead of your competitors

WHEN YOU JOIN the ai school of business...

You get everything you need to build a business ready for the future!


A Netflix type of membership full of simple to follow training videos that will walk you step by step and break complicated concepts into small steps. Plus new courses and resources are added to the membership on a regular basis. 
Members Only support and Implementation group for accountability, meaningful connections and support. I also announce everything that is happening in the membership in the group and livestream there as well.
Every week you will find a #AskMonika thread in the group to ask questions that require a more in depth answer from me in the form of a video. I will reply to every single question individually and tag you in the video post.
Workshops are an integral part of the membership. Appart form the 2 regular monthly workshops, we get together with other experts who bring even more value to the membership.

Here's a glimpse of the courses inside the membership 















Plus These Amazing Bonuses:

The AI Ecosystem

building the backbone of your business

Building your AI ecosystem will not only systemize how you keep up with the constant AI innovation, but will also help you understand what it takes to build an AI enhanced business.

The ecosystem is a flywheel, that will keep you and your business fresh, up to date, competitive and profitable.

AI Tools


**Using my AI tools will allow you to use the paid version of ChatGPT without actually having to pay for it**

AI tools are peppered throughout the different trainings and courses to help you be more productive and efficient. I have created these tools using the latest GPT version (4.5 turbo). You will also get access to some of my custom GPTs. 

GPT Library


These the GPTs currently available (more are coming in)

 • CopyWiz – Writes Persuasive Copy
 • HookWriter – Writes Persuasive Hooks
 • Lead Magnet Maestro – Lead Magnet Ideas Generator
 • Niche Finder – Finds A Niche For Your Business
 • Offer Evaluator – Evaluates Your Offer & Gives You Actionable Feedback
 • Social Media Post Creator & Image Generator
 • ScriptScribe – Writes Video Scripts With A Freebie CTA
 • ScenoGenius – Creates Multiple Images From Copy
 • 3D Icon Designer – Creates Modern, Minimalistic 3D Icons
 • Visual Theme Creator – Creates a visual theme for your next offer

Prompt Library

ever growing

New prompts are added on a weekly basis.

The prompt library is super easy to use. It's designed with you in mind, so it's easy to copy and paste into your favorite AI.

All you need to do is add your details where indicated and copy the whole prompt with a click of button

AI Tools Library

hundreds of carefully curated tools

AI tools come into the marketplace every single day. We now have millions of different AI tools and platforms that we can choose form.

Which could be quite overwhelming.

So I curate some of the best AI tools I find into one simple library.

I look for new tools constantly and the library keeps growing.

AI Image Library

thousands of images with resell rights

AI generated images are super hot, but not everyone has the time to create them or the skills and patience to sit for hours to come up with the best images possible.

But as a member of the School you have access to my personal AI image library containing thousands of images.

I create and add at least 2 new collections every single month so the library is constantly growing with fresh new images.

Best of all, the whole image library has resell rights, so you can use any of my images in any way you want.

Midjourney Library


in order to create images with Midjourney that truly stand out, you need to add various descriptors to your prompts.

Things like art styles and techniques, lighting, colors etc. are essential to generate breathtaking images. 

The Midjourney library gives you access to hundreds of descriptors along with visual examples.

This library will help you become a master of image generation.

you might be asking yourself:

Sounds great, but what exactly does that mean for my business?

Glad you asked 😃

AI will impact every single aspect of our lives and businesses and those who don't start implementing the tools will be left behind
AI will make small businesses and solopreneurs much more efficient and productive which means you will save so much time and task and jobs that took you forever in the past will be done in minutes
Saving money from overheads is something all small businesses look for. With the help of AI you will be able to do (or have access to) things that you had to pay for before
Learning specific AI skills, using AI tools and building AI assets will give you the opportunity to stand out from the competition who are still waiting to see how it all plays out. 
You can create new income streams just by using AI tools that will do all the work for you even if you have no skills or experience
Automating things and freeing up your time will boost your productivity in other areas, like connecting with your audience more often and a more personal level, working on new offers (or projects), networking with your peers and finding new opportunities


Q: I'm just starting my business. Should I still join?

A: Perfect. Starting a business right now gives you the opportunity to build it with the future in mind. Learning how to use, implement and integrate AI will give you the skills to grow your business faster than you could ever imagine. 

Q: I'm an established business. Would I still benefit?

A: Absolutely. Established businesses have to restructure so their business is enhanced with an AI ecosystem, AI tools and automations, plus have the right AI assets for both their business, offer and clients in order to stay competitive and profitable.

Q: Can I wait and join later?

A: Sure, however think about how fast everything is evolving in the world of AI. Even 6 months from now things will be different. Wouldn't you rather be in a community that will help you navigate the new technology?

Q: I'm not tech savvy. Will I struggle with this membership?

A: Not at all. I pride myself in taking complex concepts and breaking them down into the smallest components. You will find all training videos and tutorials to be super easy to follow and implement.

Q: What support is included?

A: In our private, members-only community you can get your questions answered either by me or another member. You can request help or feedback and eyes on your stuff anytime you like. I also go live every week answering your questions (just look out for the #AskMonika thread). Plus you get a live workshop every single month. For any account enquiries you will find an email address in your membership area and you will hear from me or my assistant within 24 hours.

Q: If I feel AISB is not for me, can I cancel?

A: Yes you can cancel at any time directly from your account, no questions asked.

Q: When will I get access to the membership?

A: Immediately. You will see a link on the confirmation page and you will also get an email with all the information. Plus you will see an email address to contact me if you don't get your login details.

Q: Is there a minimum time I have to stay in the membership?

A: No, you can stay for as long or as little as you like.

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